Monday, February 27, 2006

What were you doing 10 years ago?
Subbing at my former school, teaching gifted high school kids. Facilitating an afterschool writing group, and teaching writing other places, too. Writing lots of poems. Contemplating library school. Dating a geology student, then moving in with him. Going to see Moon Boot Lover at Broadway Joe's.

What were you doing one year ago?
I was teaching writing to 4th graders, in line with the Erie Canal curriculuum. Listening to a lot of records. Remembering Amsterdam. Learning how to feel safe feeling things again.

5 snacks you enjoy
— Diamond wasabi and Soy Sauce almonds
— Carr's Ginger and Lemon Creme cookies
— popcorn with nutritional yeast
— Reese's
— cheese and crackers

5 songs you know the words to
— "Subterranean Homesick Blues"
Abbey Road medley
— every post-1975 Fleetwood Mac song
— "Like This and Like That" by Snoop & Dre
— thousands--very probably, more than most people you know.

5 things you would do if you were a millionaire

— Install a hot tub.
— Buy Tiffany lamps.
— Learn a lot about wine.
— Buy a house.
— Go traveling.

5 bad habits

— internet addiction
— cheap red wine
— phone avoidance
— blunt honesty
— stubbornness

5 things you enjoy doing

— making collage
— cooking
— almost anything online
— playing games (Memory, Scrabble, Royalty, Mel Sharples, Smoke, Spite & Malice, Snood)
— listening to records

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Word Cloud

Make your own.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Book Meme

A book that made you cry: If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin

A book that scared you: The Shining by Stephen King

A book that made you laugh: Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut

A book in High School that you loved: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

A book in High School that you hated: something by Faulkner

A book that challenged your imagination: Below the Root by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

A book that challenged your morals: Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver

A book that challenged your identity: Family Happiness - Laurie Colwin

A book series that you love: The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Your favorite Horror Novel: don't have one

Your favorite Science Fiction Novel: Dance the Eagle to Sleep by Marge Piercy

Your favorite Fantasy Novel: Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley

Your favorite Romance Novel: Endless Love - Scott Spencer

Your favorite "Coming-of-Age" Novel: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Your favorite book not listed previously: Harriet the Spy - Louise Fitzhugh

Adding one:

Favorite Book of Poems: Babel - Patti Smith

Monday, February 20, 2006

Little Things

Michael Meldrum's CD release was a wonderful event.

I am looking for a small ametrine stone. Can you connect me with one?

I had my first acupuncture treatment last week. And my second head-cold in a month. (For that, I blame the 4th graders.)

I have discovered Blue Diamond wasabi and soy sauce almonds. Wow.

I am good, but not very long-winded.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

You've Been Everywhere, Man

Trip Connect (beta) is a very new site at which you can create a profile and share your reviews and advice about places You've visited. Won't you join me?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Open Mic makes it!

About Entertainment's Online Magazine names Nietzsche's Monday night open mic the 4th best in the country!

"The longest running open mic in one of the country's most overlooked Folk towns. Open mic is preceeded by a songwriter's showcase featuring an artist hand-picked by my favorite open mic host, Mike Meldrum. Mike's been running this show for a long time, and he's got it down to a science. The open mic starts at 9, and the list is first come, first served. Performers range from old local Folk and blues guys to college kids and the occasional poet. All in all, one of the best around."

And Michael Meldrum will be celebrating the Righteous Babe release of his long-awaited CD, Open-Ended Question, on February 18 at 8pm, at Nietzsche's of course. . All the local best, and very, very special guests. Don't miss it!