Wednesday, November 27, 2002

When the lights go down in the city...

and the sun shines on the bay....

My friends make art...

and I write poetry....

Friday, November 15, 2002

Those Balance Bars just aint doin' it....

I just placed a take-out order at the venerable Santasiero's for an eggplant parm with a side of spaghetti and two meatballs--one for me, one for the dog. I've been away from her for two many hours today & expect every pen in the house to be munched. I don't blame her. She's also fond of the empty tofu container.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

You mean all that corporate funding isn't buying our war for us?

"Let them march all they want, so long as they continue to pay their taxes." --Attributed to Alexander Haig, US Secretary of State (1981- 1989), commenting on demonstrations by anti-nuclear weapons protestors.

Did you know 46% of your tax money funds war? Um, and that's okay with you?

National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee

War Resisters League
nice article/overview from
Fall fantasyland....

The park, the steet, entirely carpeted with leaves.

All mad love for the d-o-g....

Monday, November 11, 2002

"We are the lotus kids, better take note of this for the story..." --Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Midnight"

I worry a lot about politics, and what I can do to make the world better. I only believe in what is done with the body, by which I don't mean talk: I mean demonstrate, note, march, knock, drop bombs, run, rape, starve, shoot.

I'm not here to vote any party line: I'm here to make a life out of what has meaning for me. For all the beating of my political heart, this is the truest truth and the closest I have right now to a manifesto.

I'm over 8,000 words into the novel, but have decided it is not a novel idea, but a short story. To make myself feel better, looked at the other novels I've written and was incredibly soothed by the word count on each.

I didn't sleep all night last night, not till 7:30 AM. I couldn't say why, but now I wonder if it was the mirror I had leaning up against the wall--had brought it in from the hallway while dressing for my reading last night. At any rate, I was awake at 4 AM typing up a sexy little story I wrote at the end of my time in SF. Might need it next week....

The reading with Tika Milan was intimate and excellent. Truth and beauty, indeed.

Friday, November 08, 2002

"I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of Imagination."--John Keats

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

More on where I've been....

Ludus Perpetuus (GNE fanzine)
GNE fan tee (hee hee!)
...and it's National Novel Writing Month and I only have about 6,000 words so far.

Monday, November 04, 2002

VOTE!Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote.....

Please vote. I truly mean it when I say that any positive change of regime this election feels to me like our last best hope. I saw Bowling for Columbine yesterday and I'm feeling pretty unamerican. Since I'm totally anti-gun, I guess I'll vote out my agression.

Seany, this link's for you....

Very interesting thread at the fabulous 3WA on Money...."Do you need money to feel secure about your life? If so, what -- if anything -- do you feel you can trace this back to? If not, why do you think that is? What makes you feel secure?"

I know, it's excessive...I also take way too many books out of the library. And I have a notebook for each last, little thing...

I have started a new blog: Writing Prompts.

Here are the others. (First thing you have to do is admit you have a problem....)

Poet's Pantry
Rust Belt Blog (infrequently updated)
Consumption by Celia

I also contribute to:
haiku at jillennium
Composite Buddha

Stop me before I blog again!

Saturday, November 02, 2002

Rosie the Riveter commands all. She can do it!

Poor Smitty...a woman's work is never done.

Some of the best pumpkins ever...

I did this one....

Bianca and Grizzly, who passed this year, showed up....

This one took six hours. Wow....

Celia is...

celia is a fantastic cuban singer

celia is the Computer Enhanced Language Instruction Archive

celia is rock

celia is a good restaurant in milwaukee, wi

celia is a band in sweden