Wednesday, September 19, 2007

From '06

Boom Day

Already can’t remember the name of this place, in South Buffalo near where I used to pick Smitty up from work. She’d never eaten here: I always thought it looked neat. I’m on my own in the window, after a morning teaching one small, mellow special ed class, one energetic enthusiastic big class. All their characters died violently. Oh well. It is a cold and vibrant day in early Spring. It’s Boom Day. Earth warm gardens in South Buffalo. Ice in the wind.

Water in a beer glass. Bar clean and well-stocked. Still a lot of green about. The pepper is brown in its shaker. I read about the history of the First Ward’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. It traces the old route from 1913 or 1916. A guy w/ a pen behind his ear cooks industriously in the kitchen.

I love you more every day.