There was outlet mall day: I got belts and shoes, and Mighty Taco.
And there was bike ride, park, Up Series day. I made pizza with sausage, onion, mushroom.
Today was errand and chore day of staycation, and totally lovely. I did laundry, gardened, got groceries and wine, ad the car washed, and read half a book. Smitty came over and gave me a copy of her new book, which is dedicated to me, in words which...well, make me cry. It's...a testament to our friendship and mutual understanding. And I'm honored by this gesture.

Oh! And I got a lead some sweet plans/dreams I have...more later.
I made pesto, I watched the sun set, and I have a case of Checkered Cab on hand.
It truly feels like a blessed day.
School starts next week!

I got some Tupperware and some almonds and I'm ready for reference! I snuck into work today to check out my ILL and CNY books. Library life is sweet.