My Adventures with Book Woman

When I was in college, I bought a Book-Woman (by Kiki) t-shirt (probably at Beyond Words in Northampton--a terrible name for a book store, we all agreed). Everyone said of it: "That's you, all right. Look, the hair, and her diaries..." After some years, the shirt got ruined or old, and went on its way.
When I moved back to Buffalo in 2002, I found a woven blanket of the Book Woman image at Amvets. Book Woman, on the scene again! I loved it. I had it on my couch always until wear and tear and dog busted up enough of the threads that it was no longer suitable to be displayed.
A few days ago, I got a package from my pal in Queens. She had visited me and I think saw my destroyed blanket. She sent me one she had in her closet, in absolutely pristine condition.

In It Might as Well Be Spring news
I went to a gorgeous wedding, never wore my coat.
I ordered some red sandals.
Crocuses are up!
Passover, Bonita's night, the premiere of John Bacon's musical take on my poem "This is the Kali Yuga" at SUNY Buffalo, a cousin's wedding, and my 40th birthday. All of these are ahead.
I am burning three candles: yellow, red, green.