These days also brought the gentle realization that the summer is ending, and that I am happy here, back home. I see that I am already woven back into this community of artists, musicians, teachers, people who like to gather and cook and drink some wine, who like to pass the baby & let the dogs play, who are eager to recommend the best book they've read recently.
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
What a good weekend this was, surprising me with its pleasures as I had planned nothing in particular. I read at Nietzsche's for Tim Baldwin's birthday, mostly stuff straight fromt he notebook, but which went over well. Neighbor barbeques which went late & featured live improvised music....babies, dogs....I went to the zoo for the first time in years with an entourage of toddlers. I had friends over to watch the inscrutable Woyzeck. Now I've a craving to see My Best Fiend again, Herzog's tribute (?) to Klaus Kinski.