“I’m not a government, I’m a religion.”
“That makes me not a citizen, but a devotee.”
--a conversation between lovers, some years ago
It’s me! Goddess, poet, librarian,
heavy tipper, prolific emailer,
patter of dogs and children,
hair smoother, phone call returner
although I hate the phone,
groovy music digger, soul woman,
avid researcher, ferocious reader,
damn fine dinner maker, purveyor of vivid language,
believer in progress,
second-hand shop shopper, recycler,
loyal friend, truth teller,
sipper of rain from the roses.
And that’s me, too, way over there,
grumpy girl, speeder through the city
even when it’s raining, sneaker listener spy,
late-stayer at the darts game, phone call screener,
self-righteous opinionated pacifistic political hothead,
devotee of AM soul radio, resources waster,
smarty-pants, contemptuous of the uncaring, avoider of cats,
salt shaker stealer, and then some.
I am Celia, rocker of worlds!
I am Celia, fierce and tender, oh so serious & still such a goof.
I am Celia, scribbler of poems,
humble on the path of this vow,
the path I make wherever it is I walk,
in this passage of pain and wonder.

Photo: Jill Corral