Someone Save My Butter Rum....
I've been a little worried about Lifesavers since back when they wanted to get rid of Pineapple.
I noticed recently that I couldn't find Lifesavers anywhere. I checked 7 stores, both drugstores and grocery stores, and found exactly two rolls of Wint-O-Greens. You can still sometimes get the regular fruit flavor, but often as not, it is in oversized gummy form.
I have been loyal to Wint-O-Green since elemtary school bus days, when I often got nauseated on the ride home. My loving Gram provided me with multiple rolls of these (Peppermint, too) and it's been a habit of mine since then to have some around.

Another sweet memory is of my father bringing home Butter Rum Lifesavers for me. (I think I also associated them with his favorite drink, Rum and Pepsi!)
So, being a librarian, I resorted to researching to find out where the Lifesavers had gone. I came across the news that Wrigley bought the band in June of 2005. While they list LS as a product, the page which "feaures" them gives a "The page cannot be found error."
I felt my heart sink at this. Doesn't yours? They seem to be going the way of old-time-candy. Sigh.
Trivia: Find out why Lifesavers are so named.